UFC 67

UFC 67

All or Nothing

All or Nothing
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UFC 67: All or Nothing

Fight Card

  • Anderson Silva

    Anderson Silva vs Travis Lutter

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 2:11
    Method SUB
  • Mirko Filipovic

    Mirko Filipovic vs Eddie Sanchez

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 4:33
    Method KO/TKO
  • Roger Huerta

    Roger Huerta vs John Halverson

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 0:19
    Method KO/TKO
  • Quinton Jackson

    Quinton Jackson vs Marvin Eastman

    Light Heavyweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 3:49
    Method KO/TKO
  • Patrick Cote

    Patrick Cote vs Scott Smith

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Terry Martin

    Terry Martin vs Jorge Rivera

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 0:14
    Method KO/TKO
  • Frankie Edgar

    Frankie Edgar vs Tyson Griffin

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Lyoto Machida

    Lyoto Machida vs Sam Hoger

    Light Heavyweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Dustin Hazelett

    Dustin Hazelett vs Diego Saraiva

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC

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