UFC 21

UFC 21

Return of the Champions

Return of the Champions
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UFC 21: Return of the Champions

Fight Card

  • Maurice Smith

    Maurice Smith vs Marco Ruas

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 5:00
    Method KO/TKO
  • Pat Miletich

    Pat Miletich vs Andre Pederneiras

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 1:34
    Method KO/TKO
  • Jeremy Horn

    Jeremy Horn vs Daiju Takase

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 4:41
    Method KO/TKO
  • Paul Jones

    Paul Jones vs Flavio Luiz Moura

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 4:20
    Method SUB
  • Tsuyoshi Kohsaka

    Tsuyoshi Kohsaka vs Tim Lajcik

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 5:00
    Method KO/TKO
  • Eugene Jackson

    Eugene Jackson vs Royce Alger

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 1:19
    Method KO/TKO
  • Andre Roberts

    Andre Roberts vs Ron Waterman

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 2:51
    Method KO/TKO
  • Travis Fulton

    Travis Fulton vs David Dodd

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC

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