The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter

Team Edgar vs. Team Penn Finale

Team Edgar vs. Team Penn Finale
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The Ultimate Fighter: Team Edgar vs. Team Penn Finale

Fight Card

  • Frankie Edgar

    Frankie Edgar vs BJ Penn

    Featherweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 4:16
    Method KO/TKO
  • Corey Anderson

    Corey Anderson vs Matt Van Buren

    Light Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 1:01
    Method KO/TKO
  • Eddie Gordon

    Eddie Gordon vs Dhiego Lima

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 1:11
    Method KO/TKO
  • Derrick Lewis

    Derrick Lewis vs Guto Inocente

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 3:30
    Method KO/TKO
  • Dustin Ortiz

    Dustin Ortiz vs Justin Scoggins

    Flyweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method S-DEC
  • Kevin Lee

    Kevin Lee vs Jesse Ronson

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method S-DEC
  • Leandro Issa

    Leandro Issa vs Jumabieke Tuerxun

    Bantamweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 3:49
    Method SUB
  • Adriano Martins

    Adriano Martins vs Juan Manuel Puig

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 2:21
    Method KO/TKO
  • Patrick Walsh

    Patrick Walsh vs Daniel Spohn

    Light Heavyweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Sarah Moras

    Sarah Moras vs Alexis Dufresne

    Catch Weight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Robert Drysdale

    Robert Drysdale vs Keith Berish

    Light Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 2:03
    Method Overturned

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