The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter

Team Liddell vs Team Ortiz Finale

Team Liddell vs Team Ortiz Finale
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The Ultimate Fighter: Team Liddell vs Team Ortiz Finale

Fight Card

  • Court McGee

    Court McGee vs Kris McCray

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 3:41
    Method SUB
  • Matt Hamill

    Matt Hamill vs Keith Jardine

    Light Heavyweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method M-DEC
  • Chris Leben

    Chris Leben vs Aaron Simpson

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 4:17
    Method KO/TKO
  • Dennis Siver

    Dennis Siver vs Spencer Fisher

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Rich Attonito

    Rich Attonito vs Jamie Yager

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 4:25
    Method KO/TKO
  • John Gunderson

    John Gunderson vs Mark Holst

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Brad Tavares

    Brad Tavares vs Seth Baczynski

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Kyle Noke

    Kyle Noke vs Josh Bryant

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 2
    Time 3:12
    Method KO/TKO
  • Chris Camozzi

    Chris Camozzi vs James Hammortree

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 5:00
    Method U-DEC
  • Travis Browne

    Travis Browne vs James McSweeney

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 4:32
    Method KO/TKO

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